Private Studio
Suggested Materials for Beginning Students
Casey has maintained a private studio since 2011 and is currently based in Raleigh, NC. His students have consistently participated in honor band ensembles as well as successfully auditioned into various college music programs across the country. He is taking new students at this time!
30, 45 and 60 minute lesson time slots available
Contact below for lesson rates!
*All products are available at Steve Weiss and Eastern Hill Music.
Snare Drum/Drumset:
Artifact Percussion Etude Snare Drum Sticks ​
Artifact Percussion "Broadway" Drum Set Sticks​
A Guide for the Modern Percussionist, written by Casey D'Sola
Artifact Percussion Ignis Marimba Mallets - Medium Hard​
Artifact Percussion Delphinus Xylophone Mallets​
A Guide for the Modern Percussionist, written by Casey D'Sola
This is simply a list of suggested items to purchase, students are not required to have all of these items. Each student has different goals and therefore will need different materials. I will be happy to discuss which items should be purchased in order to meet his or her individual goals.